Saturday, 14 September 2013

Why I'm not happy with a Harry Potter spinoff.

I've wanted this for 6 years now. I've wanted another Harry Potter book. I loved every page of the original series. And I've finally got what I've wanted. So why am I not happy?

1) it's a film. The Harry Potter films were good but they were nothing like the books. "Yeah but J K Rowling will be writing it." Doesn't matter. Harry is not sassy in the filns The best thing about the books were the wit, the level of detail and Dumbledore. The films lack these things.

2) this leads me on to my second point: Michael Gambon. No one has slaughtered a book-to-film adaptation like Dumbledore's final scene. I could have acted in it and would have played a more convincing Dumbledore despite being a 13 year old female at the time. Rowling included some beautiful lines AND GAMBON YOU KILLED THEM.

3) the plot finished. Move on. Rowling as released fantastic books recently, especially The Cuckoos Calling, but no, even though Harry was given the best ending in literature history we're still milking this. Make more merchandice. Don't release another film. Better yet, rebuild Wizarding World of Harry Potter with Disney, who have a far better set of Imagineers and attention to detail than Universal have ever had *disclaimer: do not sue me. Use the money you would have spent on a lawyer to make better rides*

4) Could there be a more obscure plotline than Newt Scalmander? Pick Degalus Diggle,  for goodness sake.

5) Harry Potter was beautiful. But don't get everyone's hopes up for this film as everybody has Gatsbied the last film (to Gatsby - to glorify something in your mind until it is guaranteed to fall short of that expectation) but I ask you, civilians!  Where was Kreacher in the last battle? Where was the wand fight infront of everyone? And a wand is like a gun, not a hose, spells do not fight each other.

I loved Harry Potter, but if you really love him, let him go.

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