Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Free Rice

It is currently the Project for Awesome, the annual internet charity event run by the Vlogbrothers (John and Hank Green).  It is the true measure of how wonderful the internet truly is, not all this doom and gloom and trolls that everyone thinks about.

I was browsing my subscriptions and came across NerdyandQuirky's video in which she discussed the website free rice. 

Free Rice is an online trivia multiple choice website where every answer you get 10 grains of rice will be donated to someone in a LEDC. The grains of rice are payed for by the adverts on the bottom of the game and very quickly you can pay for someones food who is less well off. Everybody wins. You become more educated (the Biology one is super hard and I do AS level Bio) and people all over the world are fed.

If you want to procrastinate why not go on free rice?

I have included the banner below and there is also a banner in my side bar of my blog. Both should take you to the website.


Online game to end hunger

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