Monday, 7 April 2014

Review #21 - Blood on my Hands by Todd Strasser

Blood on my Hands is about a girl, Callie, found at the scene of a murder of one of her ex-friends. Everyone assumes it is her who killed her due to their past and because she is holding the knife that killed Katherine.

This is part of Todd Strasser's Thrillogy series, of which I read Wish You Were Dead in December. This is much less scary than Wish You Were Dead so it wasn't quite as good but it was still a good crime-without-being-super-gory.

The flashbacks to Callie and Katherine's friendship were fantastic and added real depth to the story. It also made the characters, especially female, very 3D. It also felt very real and accurate to female friendships in a negative environment. In the three Todd Strasser books I've read he always puts a lot of emphasis on female characters which is just fantastic.

The pacing was really good even though some bits had less plot. I still felt gripped and slow pacing still felt fast (if that makes any sense). The ending was fantastic.

Strasser's writing style is odd because he writes these complex books for teenagers about politics and relationships and his writing style is very basic.

I gave this book four stars. It was fab, just not scary enough for five stars.

P.s. The Two Pound Bookshop sells this book if you feel like a bargain.

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