Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The British Tag

I was going to write a long paragraph about my love for queen and country but then I got the patriarcy and patriotism confused

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? How many sugars?

I drink tea mainly only on sick days and week days where I'll drink anywhere between 1-5 cups of tea a day. If I'm in lessons all day I'll normally have 2-3 whereas if I'm just studying I drink it obsessively.

Also, I drink Cranberry and Raspberry tea so no milk no sugar.

2. Favourite part of your roast?

As a veggie I'm not a huge roast fan but I love a good carrot

3. Favourite dunking biscuit?

I don't dunk biscuits mainly because tea is a way for me to eat sugar without any calories. Also, most biscuits are fairly mediocre though I will never say no to anything german or an oatmeal and raisin cookie.

4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime?

I adore going for high tea with cakes and scones and those tiny sandwiches, especially at the Maids of Honour outside Kew. I also love Kew and punting (punting is a where you move a boat with a scaffolding pole. Freaking hard to master but when you do you feel like the king of the world. Very Oxford/Cambridge thing to do)

5. Favourite word?

Currently: wavved or a number of british swear words

I also like hyperbole, though I don't know what it means

6. Cockney rhyme slang?


I went to Columbia Rd with my friend Brodie and the cash point language was either English or Cockney in which I fell about laughing  

7. Favourite sweet?

Dolly mixture but they aren't veggie so either veggie percy pigs, veggie M&S fruit pastilles or tablet

8. What would your pub be called?

The Lioness because one - gryffindor pride and two - female power

9. No.1 British person?

Other than people I know (my consultants and physio are up there) it would be JK Rowling, Lexi Casale and Rosianna Halse Rojas as a close third. Prince Harry is also fairly high up that list 

10. Favourite shop / Restaurant?

(Deep breath) The Breakfast Club, Foyles, The Gate, M&S food and Tophop. This fluctuates a lot but those are my current loves 

11. What British song pops into your head?

The 1966 World Cup song (we're in it for England ENG-GA-LAND) or Wonderwall by Oasis. I mean I love other British music but these are the most "British" to me

12. Marmite?


Hopefully that shows the tea drinking, punting side to me. I really love our culture

Night xx

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