Thursday 24 October 2013

Guest Bloggers

So the other day I announced that my friend Aimee would post pictures of her amazing nail art on my blog. I was excited because having more than one author on my blog was a really exciting concept for me because collaborating will always be something I really enjoy doing and I felt like my blog was picking up speed.

And then I got 500 views in a day.

It's mental. I thank each and everyone of you for that boost in figures. It means a lot to me because I'm very proud of my blog and it gave me a big confidence boost.

It got me thinking though.

I love collaborating. I want to do more collaborating within my blog because I know that I want to vary my content, and I do try to do that don't get me wrong, but I want this to be a good thing to read for you, not just for me to write.

I am friends with some incredibly talented people. I read their coursework last year and it was phenomenal. Some have blogs, some do not.

I have asked some of these friends to write pieces for my blog. They're writing on anything they want and it can take them as long as they want, so I can't promise release dates.

I'm slowly asking friends one by one so to spread them out but I'm really excited about this.

I hope you will be to.

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