Friday 17 May 2013

The Great Gatsby Film Review

Ok so I just posted a full review to Gatsby on my channel and it's spoiler free but this is for all my spoilery opinions.
I was really disappointed that Gastby's funeral wasn't shown as I think that scene is so sad and poignant and also they missed out his father completely. That scene is heartbreaking and wonderful and I'm sad they missed it out.
Gatsby was so carefree when driving in that first driving scene and it was disconcerting when he was driving so recklessly. What were you doing man!
Also I didn't like how Wilson didn't come and kill Tom first because I really loved that in the book. It just missed the subtlety.
Other than that I have no real plot complaints. It was an incredible film.
Over and out.


  1. Good review Sophie. The novel will probably forever, and always will be considered unfilmable, no matter how hard this movie tries to make it work.

    1. I really enjoyed the film despite my little niggles like the ones mentioned here. It was done very well and was very accessible which I don't think the novel particularly is but I love both of them. I may have bought the soundtrack and may or may not be seeing it again at the cinema.
