Friday 20 December 2013

Late night ramblings

It's 11.30pm and the rain is hitting the roof of my room and it's really loud. That's not a bad thing. I love the sound of rain. It makes me feel safe and protected. Listening to the rain in the almost-dark makes me feel serene.

I help the boys read at the junior part of my school. I think they're 9ish. We were reading a bit of Michael Morpurgo and he came across the word serene and asked me what it meant. I knew what it meant but couldn't explain it. Well done Sophie.

I am planning to do a massive book blog post at the end of this year as I'm really proud of how much I've read. I literally was reading a book and week at the start of the year and now look at me, 100 books later. I'm bracing myself as it's going to be a lot of photography but I'm looking forward to it.

I want to write more as part of my new years resolution.

Holy moly this year I'm turning 18. 18. I'm not mature enough to be an adult. Why are you letting me vote? Why are you letting me buy sparklers (confession: more excited about sparklers than alcohol)?

Oh, it must be nice to be normal.

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